Safety Harbor Montessori Academy Re-Entry Plan| Phase II
Illness Policy
Please keep your child at home if he/she shows signs of illness. It is essential that everyone cooperate in this manner to keep the spread of illness to a minimum. An ill child not only unnecessarily exposes his/her classmates to illness but also is more susceptible to additional illnesses. We realize that parents sometimes have very pressing schedules that make it difficult to keep children home from school, but alternate arrangements should be planned for in advance since unexpected illnesses are an inevitable part of childhood. The school is not permitted to keep sick children in our care. If your child becomes ill during the day, you will be contacted so that you can pick him/her up as soon as possible.
Your child needs to stay home from school if he/she:
Has a fever of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius) or higher.
Has a contagious disease. (Please inform the school immediately.)
Displays any of the following symptoms: severe/frequent coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, a rash of unknown origin, heavy or discolored mucus discharge from the nose, or unexplained eye redness and/or drainage.
Children should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
These suggestions should aid you in the determination of whether your child should or should not be sent to school. We rely on your good judgment. When in doubt, keep your child at home.
Specific to COVID-19
You can help stop COVID-19 by knowing the signs and symptoms:
Fever or chills
Cough/Shortness of breath/Difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Bluish lips or face
Sore throat
Congestion/runny nose
Seek medical advice if your child or anyone in your household develops symptoms. Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room. Tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.
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If a Child or Staff Member Tests Positive for COVID-19
We ask that students and staff should stay at home if they have tested positive for or are showing signs of COVID-19. Please let us know right away if your child has a positive diagnosis for the virus. If a child or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19 we will call the health department for further instructions. We will follow the health department's guidelines and applicable state laws regarding when students and staff can return to school.
FL Dept of Health in Pinellas Epidemiology: 727-824-6932
Health Screening
Children with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius) or higher are not permitted to enter the school.
Please contact the front office if you are unable to answer no to one of the following questions.
Does your child have a fever, respiratory infection, cough, or shortness of breath?
In the last 14 days, has your child had any contact with someone who has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19?
In the 14 last days, have you been asked to self-isolate or been instructed to quarantine by a medical professional or local health department official?
Personal Protective Equipment - Our Mask Policy
Masks are recommended for all staff members, students, and visitors while indoors and around others.
Below are links to recommendations from the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
CDC Guidance for Schools and Childcare
Mask Wearing Guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics
We truly care about our SHMA family. We want the best for all of you. We thank you in advance for your help, understanding, and cooperation.
Staff members and children will wash hands regularly at CDC recommended times. Please see the resources below if you would like to know which guidelines we are following or if you would like to talk to your children about handwashing.
Click here for handwashing videos.
Click here for handwashing posters.
Parents & Other Visitors
We ask for visitors to please wear masks while indoors and around others.
Front Office Staff
Laura Pravs, Admissions
Lydia Buening, Office Manager
Germaine DiJohn, Associate Head of School